
Hit and Run

  Heading back to the Wildling’s Head Inn the crew connected a plan. Licorice and Giancarlo use their combined skills to create a document bearing the official marks of Mr. Radoslav Neville in hopes of bringing it to Adolfo to let them gather more information. Forged documents in hand they make their way back to the Munce Shipyard. Calmly, Adolfo takes out some miniscule reading glasses from his breast pocket, and quickly reads the documents. He puts his glasses back into the pocket. “I know that this isn’t Mr. Neville’s signature.” Giancarlo panics “Of course not, he is a busy man he just had someone else sign in his place” “We don’t take kindly to liars here” Yulia mutters under her breath attempting to call upon her animist gods, hoping to unleash a potent paralysis, but in the city the spirits are weakened, and is unable to do much of anything. “Get your hands off me” Adolfo Snarls. Holly she’s her chance and decks him, hitting him right in the templ

The Dreaming Lake & Vuludh and its Surrounds

  The Dreaming Lake Chimera To create a chimera roll to determine how many d10 HD it has. Roll 1d8, dice explode. A chimera hasas follows. An initiative bonus equal to HD-3 A 1d20 action die for every two heads, and a 1d14 for each tail it has. It begins with Atk Bite HD+3 Melee (2d4), Claw HD+2 Melee (1d6), Tail Attack HD+1 Melee (1d5) on tier 1 (2 heads, 1 Tail) but for every tier above that it gains +2 to all attack rolls and +1d to all damage dice. 40’ movement. It begins with Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 at tier 1, but for every tier above that it gains +3 Fort, +2 Ref, and +1 Will. Saves forced by the chimera are DC 7+HD. Result 1-4 2 Heads, 1 Tail 5-7 2 Heads, 2 Tails 8-10 3 Heads, 2 Tails 11-13 3 Heads, 3 Tails 14-16 4 Heads, 3 Tails 17-19 4 Heads, 4 Tails 20-22 5 Heads, 4 Tails 23-32 5 Heads, 5 Tails 33+ Ever shifting as if all results. 1d20 Heads Baboon: The chimera knows the languages of man. Bear: The chimera’s cla

The East Lake Survey

  My friends and I recently got done with a project we called the Eastlake Survey. I created a very bare bones hexcrawl and a small empty bestiary to accompany it. We were to fill out the bestiary and then using then fill out the hex crawl making sense of the world via the monsters that were written. If you would like to do the same thing (something that we all had a lot of fun doing mind you) then you can follow the instructions below. The Monsters Chimera Demon Doppelganger Dragon Dwarf Elemental Giant Ghost Goblin Golem Gnoll Invisible Stalker Lizardman Orc The Map   The Keys Only consult these after you have completed the bestiary. It's given in markdown, this can be opened in any simple text editor or in your markdown editor of choice (I use ghostwriter). The Eastlake Key

Down to the Docks

 Heading towards the docs the group gets lost. Wishing to find their way quickly Richard begins asking one of the people near them on the street if they know their way. They are only half there and they soon realize they have stumbled their way towards a hidden opium den in the city. Not wishing to get involved in opium at the moment they leave. Wandering some more they find a man wrapped in bandages begging for coin. After they give some they begin asking for directions to the dock and he provides them with ease. Richard tries to lighten the mood with some jokes but it doesn’t work. As they leave the beggar tells the group that he is Swithin Berlioz. Upon arriving at the Munce Shipyard the group heads to the main office building and begins talking to a man behind the counter named Adolfo. After a brief amount of talking, posing as one of the people who had their goods damaged by the loss of the Saint Demelza, it becomes clear that Adolfo is cagey about discussing Mr Neville. L

Mind Flayers for wolves upon the coast, the grand fantasy campaign by Luke Gearing

Mindflayer He sucked off a singular the minions from illumination animation. This is but one of the many paths a man may walk to leave mortality behind.

The Hunt Begins

  Chapter 2: The Hunt for Radoslav Neville Only a few survived the trip back, things from below waited for them. For a month they laid low in the Wildling’s Head Inn. Biding their time. They gathered their strength, Rorschach and Holy began to spar with each other slowly building up their martial prowess, Giancarlo began to study the space inbetween space, Liquorice began using her blindness to run confidence scams, and Yulia began to worship the old heathen ways.  Needing to know who it was that sabotaged their ship they begin to hatch a plan. They will head to the Piskaro Stock Company to see if they could find any information on the manifest of the Saint Demelza. Following the instructions of the trusted barkeep, Kastor, they made their way without incident to the stock company building. Standing outside the looming brick building were two foreigners smelling of brine and perfumey wildflowers. Liquorice, wanting to practice her thieving abilities, bumped into one

House Rules Booklets

  I recently put together some zines of various house rules related stuff for my DCC games. It's nice to have all of these various things in print. Below I will detail all of the house rules I run with and their providence if need be. House Rules Free Occupations: The occupations have no lineage associated with them, roll 1d10 with 1-7 being human and the rest being dwarf elf and hobbits. d60 Birth Augurs: expanded birth augurs from the tales from the smoking wyrm issue 8. Expanded Gear: Just lots more gear, taking stuff from astonishing swordsmen and sorcerers of hyperborea, and 5e. Encumbrance: it's basicaly jus the 5e encumbrance system but with mausritter style item slots. Weapon Qualities: Inspired by wolves upon the coast and beyond damage dice. Firearms Rules: Generally inspired by matchlock guns. Hounds: dogs can be used to scare humanoids the way clerics can turn unholy, inspired by Mark Conway. Running and Jogging: A creature can move thrice their movement by