
Showing posts from August, 2022

A Musing on Complexity

Complexity in games is in my opinion sort of a meaningless thing to say. Obviously one can ascertain what general thing you are getting at but unfortunately for us saying a game is complex leaves out a lot of the complexities. I put forth a probably not new framework of understanding games called the Dual Complexities, they are as follows. Repeated Complexity Momentary Complexity      Repeated complexities are things in a game that you are expected to do multiple times and often times but not always you are expected to do so in the middle of play. This would be something like shooting a gun and seeing how much damage it deals in a game such as shadowrun 5e or attempting to grapple someone in 3e D&D.  This type of complexity often comes about in procedures of play, or in situations where there are many different factors to take into account. Momentary complexities are individual moments that happen ocasionally and infrequently, oftentimes but not always they happe...

Yet Another Attempt at Making BX Fighters Less Boring

Or YAAAMBXFLB for short it my method of making fighters for anything BX derived more interesting mechanically.  I lied this isn't actually about making fighters less boring. The trick to fixing fighters is to not give a shit about Making BX Fighters Less Boring but instead differentiating weapons more beyond mere damage dice. Here is an expanded quality list for BX weapons. PDF Version This blogpost was inspired by the wonderful 5e D&D third party product Beyond Damage Dice by James Haeck, Wolfgang Baur, and Scott Gable.

The Alchemist's Fetish

 A small golden fetish in the shape of a raven. Any gold that makes contact with the crow is turned to lead. Upon touching the fetish for the first time Save Vs Paralysis / Petrification or be cursed. If you are cursed all you touch turns to lead. The save is repeated every turn a character has the fetish in their possession.