
Showing posts from November, 2022
you cannot have a meaningful hexcrawl ... if strict attention is not paid to the weather and seasons Hex crawls are games where time is currency. You spend a single day moving a distance, consuming resources as needed. The next day you do the same, and this repeats until you decide to stop for whatever reason. As one crawls through the hexes they can find interesting locations, and stumbles upon random encounters. What people rarely factor into hex crawling is how weather can change the situation. If you encounter 2d20 bandits in the woods in the middle of a snow storm it can radically change their goals. My prepping procedures for hexcrawls Create a hex map composed of 1 mile hexes. Create a greater hex layer over the top that is composed of 6 mile hexes. For each greater 6 mile hex pregenerate a year's worth of weather Write down all the weather in a big fucking almanac and reference it as need be for the rest of the campaign. If you run out of weather, do it all again. ...

The Plannar Inheritor

 I have created a new Class for the DCC RPG that is focused on bringing a higher weirdness version of teiflings and assimar from planescape and the like into DCC. This is entirely unplaytested and unedited. Have fun.  Link to a PDF for at home printing