
Showing posts from April, 2024

More Old Songs for the Shudder Mountains

  Banjo Pickin’ Girl (DC 14; 2 minutes): This old song’s power only works its magic if the musician is a woman. Upon a successful performance the musician or a woman of her choosing has an aura of protection about them. Any man who tries to attack them for the next hour suffers a -1d penalty to any attempt to harm her. Long Journey Home (DC 12; 4 minutes): Upon a successful performance the musician knows exactly what direction their home lies. The musician gains a +2 bonus to Personality check if it is made before a storm rolls in. Take This Hammer (DC 14; 2 Minutes): The musician and 2+Personality mod listeners gain a +10’ speed bonus if they are escaping imprisonment, but they suffer 1 stamina damage upon escape.  The Fox (DC 12; 2 Minutes): Either the musician or a listener gains the +1d bonus to their next pick pocket check. This increases to a +2d bonus if the would be thief went hungry. Where Did You Sleep Last Night (DC 13; 4 minutes): The next time the ...

Folk Songs for Flying Circus

  Folk magic and folk music are not as separate as one would believe at first glance. Out there there are folk songs to call upon the great forces that govern this world, anyone can learn these songs, the GM determines what songs exist and the potential outcomes of each song. A song becomes more powerful the more people join in. Draw Upon the Power of Song When you utterly believe in the power of song, and lead a song representative of your community, roll flat. On a 16+ choose who responds. On an 11+ additionally choose what is needed in return. On a miss; no one answers, but it provides some comfort. Who Answers the Call? A Fairy Lord A Gremlin A Local Nature Spirit G_d Sigvird The Dwellers of the Dark Sea The Three Goddesses What is Needed? Acquisition of an Artifact An Offering of Food A Sacrifice of Material Wealth A Secret Days of Prayer Just a Fraction of Your Soul To Prove Yourself