More Old Songs for the Shudder Mountains
Banjo Pickin’ Girl (DC 14; 2 minutes): This old song’s power only works its magic if the musician is a woman. Upon a successful performance the musician or a woman of her choosing has an aura of protection about them. Any man who tries to attack them for the next hour suffers a -1d penalty to any attempt to harm her. Long Journey Home (DC 12; 4 minutes): Upon a successful performance the musician knows exactly what direction their home lies. The musician gains a +2 bonus to Personality check if it is made before a storm rolls in. Take This Hammer (DC 14; 2 Minutes): The musician and 2+Personality mod listeners gain a +10’ speed bonus if they are escaping imprisonment, but they suffer 1 stamina damage upon escape. The Fox (DC 12; 2 Minutes): Either the musician or a listener gains the +1d bonus to their next pick pocket check. This increases to a +2d bonus if the would be thief went hungry. Where Did You Sleep Last Night (DC 13; 4 minutes): The next time the ...