
Showing posts from October, 2024

DCC Month of Horror: Day 1 Chains of Hell

  Wide-eyed peasants tell tales of horrible chain encrusted creatures, their flesh bleeding as the metal digs deeper and deeper into them.. Chain devils, they chant. They are not entirely wrong. However the bound is not the denizen of hell, the bound in their victim. The chains themselves are what puppet these corpses. Their purpose is inscrutable but their means are simple, kill and puppet a moral victim, kill as many other mortals as they can and drag them back into the pits of hell. When not puppeting a corpse the chains of hell take on the form of a great serpent. Chains of Hell, Serpent Form (Type II Demon): Init +3; Atk Bladed Bite +10 Melee (1d12+5) or Tearing Tail +6 Melee (1d8+Bleed), Grapple +5 Melee (Bleed); Crit Dn / d6; AC 18 (Metal Nature); HD 5d14; MV 40’; Act 1d30 + 1d16; SP Demonc Traits, Demonic Combatants, Bleed, Variable Nature, Puppeting; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2; AL C. Demonic Traits: As a Type II Demon a chain of hell can speak, read minds, H