400 New Patches For Mothership

 As someone who collects patches, I love the random patch generator. I decided to think up 400 more to have an even more varied set of outcomes for character creation. These compiled with the ones from the core book can make a d500 Chart for patches. 

  1. 6 Fingered Hand

  2. Abstract Eyeball

  3. A Cat

  4. Ace of Spades

  5. A Cigarette Carton

  6. A Dog

  7. A Dragon Backpatch

  8. Aleph

  9. A Meaningless Set of Hanzi

  10. Anarchist Star

  11. Anatomical Heart

  12. Angel Wings Back Patch

  13. An Icecream Cone with Rainbow Rings

  14. A pair of Dentures

  15. A Skull with an Extra Eye Socket

  16. Ass

  17. A steak covering half of a bruised face.

  18. Atom Bomb

  19. Avocado

  20. Axe Splitting a Skull

  21. Baked Potato

  22. Banana Slug

  23. Bear With Cubs

  24. Betsy Ross Flag

  25. Bird Skull

  26. Birth of Venus Back Patch

  27. Black Flag

  28. Black Umbrella

  29. Bloody Knife

  30. Blue Lightning Bolt

  31. Bottle of Ketchup

  32. Brain

  33. Brick

  34. Broken Chain

  35. Broken Heart Emoji

  36. Burnt Candle

  37. Cannabis Leaf

  38. Car Engine

  39. Cartoon Bomb

  40. Cassette Tape

  41. Cheeseburger

  42. Chocolate Chip Cookie

  43. Clown

  44. Cocaine Baggy

  45. Cognitohazard Symbol

  46. Comet

  47. Cracked Egg

  48. Crescent Moon

  49. Crescent Moon and Star

  50. Crossed Bandages

  51. Crown

  52. Curled Up Hedgehog

  53. D20

  54. Delta

  55. DNA Strand

  56. Dog Chasing Its Own Tail

  57. Dumpster

  58. Earth

  59. Earth Symbol

  60. Eggplant Emoji

  61. Eggs and Bacon

  62. Exploded Moon

  63. Exploding Earth

  64. Eyeball with optic nerve connected

  65. Fist

  66. Flaming Skull

  67. Flower Growing From Skull

  68. Fool Tarot Card

  69. Full Moon

  70. Hand with A Mouth

  71. Heart In Ice Cube

  72. Heart In Rib Cage

  73. Hi-Five

  74. Honey Bee

  75. Hot Pink Flamingo

  76. Hot Sauce

  77. Infinity Symbol

  78. Jack Of Hearts

  79. Jug of Hootch

  80. Juicebox

  81. Kebab

  82. King Of Hearts

  83. Knight Helmet

  84. Lightning In A Bottle

  85. Lipstick Stain

  86. Lipstick Tube

  87. Lit Match

  88. Little Green Man

  89. Lobster

  90. Loose Cigarette

  91. Manicured Nails

  92. Man with a Snake for a Tongue Back Patch

  93. Mars

  94. Mars Symbol

  95. Melting Face Back Patch

  96. Melting Smiley Face

  97. Mosquito

  98. Moth

  99. Mountain Lion

  100. Mouth Licking Knife

  101. Mummy

  102. Mushroom

  103. Musical Notes

  104. Mustache

  105. Open Source Penguin

  106. Opossum Backpatch

  107. Ouroboros

  108. Pair of Boobs

  109. Peace Hand Sign

  110. Peace Symbol

  111. Peach Emoji

  112. Pentagram

  113. Periodic Table Entry For Carbon

  114. Pill Bottle

  115. Pine Tree

  116. Pin-Up (Devil)

  117. Pinup (Droid)

  118. Pin-Up (Fireman): “Hot Shit”

  119. Pin-Up (Furry)

  120. Pin-Up (Little Green Man)

  121. Pin-Up (Orc)

  122. Pin-Up (Zombie)

  123. Pixel Art Alien

  124. Pizza Slice

  125. Pleading Emoji

  126. Praying Mantis

  127. Pronoun Patch

  128. Ram Skull

  129. Razor Blade

  130. Red Interrobang

  131. Red Mushroom

  132. Red Scythe and Black Gear

  133. Red Stiletto Heels

  134. Red-Tailed Hawk

  135. Rose and Knife

  136. Sabotabby

  137. Salmon Head

  138. Samurai Helmet

  139. Saxophone 

  140. SETI Logo

  141. Shaka

  142. Shark Fin

  143. Shark Jaws

  144. Sigma

  145. Skull with a Brain

  146. Smiling Devil Back Patch

  147. Smiling Jack o’ Lantern

  148. Smoking Gun

  149. Snapped Cartoon Bone

  150. Spaceship in a Squid’s Tentacles

  151. Spray Cheese Bottle

  152. Stack of Pancakes

  153. Station Centennial Patch

  154. Stick of Dynamite

  155. Stoplight

  156. Strawberry

  157. Surfer

  158. Sun With Sunglasses

  159. Sushi Roll

  160. Sword Back Patch

  161. Syringe with Skull

  162. Tank

  163. Teddy bear

  164. The owl of Minerva

  165. Thor’s Hammer

  166. T-Rex (Accurate)

  167. T-Rex (Pop Cultural)

  168. Tropical Bird

  169. TV Color Tester

  170. Two Beer Bottles Clinking

  171. Underpants

  172. Union Jack on Fire

  173. Upside Down Horseshoe Back Patch

  174. Vampire Fangs

  175. Venus Symbol

  176. Vinyl Record

  177. Walrus

  178. Whale

  179. Whiskey On The Rock

  180.  White Dove

  181. White Rabbit

  182. Winning Bingo Card

  183. WW1 Style Grenade

  184. X-Ray of a Skull

  185. Yellow Triangle with an Exclamation Mark

  186. Yin Yang Symbol

  187. Zodiac Wheel

  188. Zombie Head with Tongue Out

  189. “#1 Blunt Smoker”

  190. “1000 Mile Club” (Rocketship)

  191. “103.2 QEKD: The Best Jazz in the Galaxy”

  192. “1 way to Sleep City” (Ticket)

  193. “2 Horny 2 Live”

  194. “2 Sexy 4 U”

  195. “2 Weird 2 Live”

  196. “50 Years Young”

  197. “53 Asteroid Mud Run”

  198. “92.7 WABC Classic Vocaloid”

  199. “Always Burning that Midnight Oil”

  200. “Angry All Day”

  201. “Ask me about my Fat Ass”

  202. “Ask me about my Special Interests”

  203. “Asskicker”

  204. “At Least It's Not A Desk Job” (Man Being Cut In Half)

  205. “BAD GIRL”

  206. “Bantamweight Grand Champion”

  207. “Based”

  208. “Better kill me in one shot”

  209. “Better than U”

  210. “Big Boy Season”

  211. “Bigfoot is Real”

  212. “Bigshot”

  213. “Blow Me” (Bubble Gum)


  215. “Bringing back Disco”

  216. “Bury me alive in a fireworks display”

  217. “Captain Asshole”

  218. “Captain Obvious”

  219. “Cat Callers Get Scratched”

  220. “Certifiable Jackass”

  221. “Certified Brain Genius”

  222. “Clueless but Happy”

  223. “Cold & Distant” (Comet)

  224. “Country Girls Make Do”

  225. “Cyanobacteria Fan Club”

  226. “Daddy Issues”

  227. “Dance like there’s nobody watching” (Security Camera)

  228. “Danger” (in English, Russian, Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese) Back Patch

  229. “Deadshot”

  230. “Death and Taxes”

  231. “die Klappe halten” (Shut up, German)

  232. “Die Mad”

  233. “Die Young”

  234. “Dilf in Training”

  235. “Disappointed but not surprised”

  236. “Disc Jockey”

  237. “Don’t Email my WIFE”

  238. “Don’t Fuck With Me” (Morning Star)

  239. “Drag Queen”

  240. “Dumb Bitch”

  241. “Early Riser”

  242. “Eat my Shorts”

  243. “Eat Shit”

  244. “Embrace Meaninglessness”

  245. “Expert”

  246. “Ezekiel 23:20”

  247. “Father Of Two” (Anime Girl)

  248.  “Fighting The Good Fight”

  249. “Find Me Online @________”

  250. “Fish Fear me, Women Fear me”

  251. “Former Galaxy’s Youngest Person”

  252. “Foxy” (Fox)

  253. “Frog Fact Dispenser”

  254. “Fuck around and Find Out”

  255. “Funk” (Knob turned to Max)

  256. “Future Fertilizer”

  257. “GAMER”

  258. “Gay and Stupid”

  259. “Good For Nothing”

  260. “GOTH 4 LIFE”

  261. “Got Kicked off of Noah’s Ark”

  262. “Grab Life by the Balls” (Testicles)

  263. “Green Thumb”

  264. “Greetings from California Station”

  265. “Grocery List: Cheap Coffee, expensive Coffee”

  266. “Ground Control to Major Bummer”

  267. “Gunshow” (Flexed Arm) 

  268. “Half Baked”

  269. “Hate” (Knuckle Tattoos)

  270. “Heartbreaker”

  271. “Heavyweight”

  272. “Hell: Admit 1” (Ticket)

  273. “Hello World”

  274. “Here’s the Beef” (Abs)

  275. “High Roller” (6 Face of a Die)

  276. “Hotshot”

  277. “Hotty” (Hot Dog)

  278. “Hugger” (Cactus)

  279. “Husband Enjoyer”

  280. “I Bring the Party”

  281. “I don’t want to believe” (UFO)

  282. “I drank air conditioning water and all I got was LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE”

  283. “I finish fights”

  284. “If Lost Return To The Buffet”

  285. “If you’re reading this Fuck Off”

  286. “I kill Scabs”

  287. “I love 0gs and Double Ds”

  288. “Invincible”

  289. “I shit on company time”

  290. “I shot a man on Reno 5”

  291. “It can always get worse” (White Rose)

  292. “It’s too early for this”

  293. “I Was Promised Hotter Aliens”

  294. “I would prefer not to”

  295. “I’d rather be explaining the plot of The Matrix Revolutions (2003)”

  296. “I’m in love with the modern world”

  297. “I’m your lover from a past life”

  298. “I’ve Seen Worse” (Caduceus)

  299. “I ♥ My Wife”

  300. “Jesus took the wheel” (Arm Cast)

  301. “Keeping it Weird”

  302. “Killer Rhymes”

  303. “Kill ‘em All”

  304. “King”

  305. “Kiss me, I’m Sexy”

  306. “L33T G4M3R”

  307. “Legally Distinct”

  308. “Life Gives in Plenty” (Lemon)

  309. “Lil’ Shit”

  310. “Live Free” (Raccoon in Garbage Can)

  311. “LMAO” (Little Green Man)

  312. “Loose Lips Crash Ships”

  313. “Lover Not A Fighter”

  314. “Love” (Knuckle Tattoos”

  315. “Low Life”

  316. “Lucky Streak” (Two Dice)

  317. “Mama Bear”

  318. “Mama’s Little Angel”

  319. “Meme Warrior”

  320. “Menace to Society”

  321. “Metalhead”

  322. “Mind Blower” (explosion)

  323. “Mixed Signals” (Satellite with Frowning Face)

  324. “Monster Fucker”

  325. “Motherfucker”

  326. “Murder Murder Murder Kill Kill Kill”

  327. “My Eyes are Up Here” Backpatch 

  328. “My name is CLASSIFIED”

  329. “My other ride is a Yodeler”

  330. “Nasty”

  331. “Night Owl”

  332. “No Fears”

  333. “No one leaves this world alive”

  334. “No Regrets, Mostly”

  335. “NO Thanks to Miami Mike”

  336. “Not long for this world” (Stegosaurus)

  337. “Organize”

  338. “Outlaw”

  339. “Out of this System” (UFO)

  340. “Packing Heat”

  341. “Party Beast

  342. “Party like it’s 2099”

  343. “Peace Land and Bread”

  344. “Pessimistic but still Trucking”

  345. “Practically Dead”

  346. “Practise Safe Sex” (Two Astronauts Embracing)

  347. “Proud Parent Of An Indifferent Cats”

  348. “Put me back in the Sleep Pod”

  349. “Pwr Bttm”

  350. “Pyrotechnician” (3 Fingered Hand)

  351. “Queen”

  352. “REPENT”

  353. “Ride ‘em Wild, Bastard Man”

  354. “Rudeboy”

  355. “Russian Roulette Grand Champion”

  356. “Santa Truther”

  357. “Save the Tree Octopus”

  358. “See me at the LAN party”

  359. “See You Soon, Space Cowboy”

  360. “SINNER / WEEPER”

  361. “Skate Fast / Eat Ass”

  362. “Sleep Is 4 The Weak”

  363. “Slut”

  364. “Smartalec”

  365. “Space Cowboy”

  366. “Spaced Out” (Ringed Planet)

  367. “Spacer Butts drive me Nuts”

  368. “Spaceships-r-coffins” (spaceship)

  369. “Space Wizard”

  370. “Spay & Neuter Your Pets”

  371. “Stand Back” (Grinning Skull)

  372. “Starting Fights / Taking Names”

  373. “Stressed Out”

  374. “SUPER / FREAK”

  375. “Sweet Revenge”

  376. “Tell my mother she always sucked”

  377. “Tell your mother I said hello”

  378. “The Peanut Gallery” Backpatch

  379. “They only let me get away out of kindness I suppose”

  380. “Think Fast / Talk Faster”

  381. “Too hot To Handle” (Burnt Cookie)

  382. “Too Late” (Pocket Watch)

  383. “Topdog”

  384. “Tough Guy”

  385. “To whomever it may Concern” (Grenade)

  386. “Toxic” (Gas Mask)

  387. “TTYL”

  388. “Uncle Bubba and the Misspelled Tatoos Reunion Tour”

  389. “Unhappy Hour”

  390. “Unkillable”

  391. “Up Yours”

  392. “WAD King”

  393. “WALG: Classic Hyperpop 24/7”

  394. “Whiskey is my kinda lullaby”

  395. “Who Cares”

  396. “Wish I Was Sleeping”

  397. “Wizard Butts Drive Me Nuts”

  398. “World First Male Bimbo”

  399. “Young, Dumb, and Full of Dread”

  400. “Your dad calls me Daddy”


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