
Showing posts from March, 2022

Gorons and Zoras for Old School Essentials

I really enjoy the legend of zelda series and the creatures found there. You rarely see any takes on Gorons or Zora so I decided to make my own set of OSE classes for them. (As well as races for people who use the advanced fantasy rules) If you want a PDF of this check here

The Bombshell

     When I run games I often wonder what will be the defining feature of the campaign. Having a moment or idea that defines the campaign can lead to a strong and satisfying narrative understanding of the campaign for everyone involved.      For me, however, this sort of setup isn't easily achieved. I like games where the players, are the parts of a larger whole, not the sort of people who shake the foundation of the world unless they have really earned it. On top of that, I value player character agency above all else, instead of having a set adventure path ready I have many many possibilities prepped and ready to be encountered.     One may ask how do you get a strong defining aspect of a game that you are unsure of even the most basic outcomes of, and for that, I have made the bombshell method.     A bombshell is an event that radically changes how the world functions, this can be infrastructural, political, supernatural, scientific, ...

The Sweet Tooth

     I recently ran Honey in the Rafters play by post in a discord server I am in. I realized that some people might want to become a sugar cultist and thought well how would that be done, luckily I got a copy of As The Gods Demand  and realized this would be a great way to handle someone becoming a priest of The Sweeth Tooth The Children of Sugar      Adherents of The Sweet Tooth are denoted by their colorful robes, often adorned with various intricate swirls and stripes in white. The churches of The Sweet Tooth often double as candy stores in towns. The members are often seen as hedons obsessed with the frivolous aspects of life. The followers of course only disagree with the latter of the two statements, as if a mouse is without delights it is hardly a life to them. Initiation     To join the Children of Sugar one must seek out a Chef Sibling and works under their wing for a week, after that week of service is done you must travel into th...