Dropping Anchor
With an understanding of why the group was attacked, the dwarf has gone in here to fight off an mining expeditionary force headed by a predominantly yoda mining company, the amazon leaves the group valuing her life above money and she heads back towards the surface. The group begins to loot the corpse of the dwarf they killed, Radcliff takes his python emblazoned golden gauntlets, but they stop as they hear a voice coming from underneath the dwarf. As they lift up the dwarf they find a warhammer who introduced himself as Gobnomaer the Bane of the Gods. After a quick interrogation the hammer reveals himself to be a warrior of neutrality, hoping to end the cosmic divide of law and chaos, by force if necessary, to let nature reign. As arch druid of Illdavir Dungifer Dungifer decides to ally with Gobnomaer, wielding him with a great fervor. Not wanting to miss any more potential magical items, Dungifer casts detect magic, learning of the magical nature of the golden gauntlets, ...