
Showing posts from October, 2023

Dropping Anchor

  With an understanding of why the group was attacked, the dwarf has gone in here to fight off an mining expeditionary force headed by a predominantly yoda mining company, the amazon leaves the group valuing her life above money and she heads back towards the surface.  The group begins to loot the corpse of the dwarf they killed, Radcliff takes his python emblazoned golden gauntlets, but they stop as they hear a voice coming from underneath the dwarf. As they lift up the dwarf they find a warhammer who introduced himself as Gobnomaer the Bane of the Gods. After a quick interrogation the hammer reveals himself to be a warrior of neutrality, hoping to end the cosmic divide of law and chaos, by force if necessary, to let nature reign. As arch druid of Illdavir Dungifer Dungifer decides to ally with Gobnomaer, wielding him with a great fervor. Not wanting to miss any more potential magical items, Dungifer casts detect magic, learning of the magical nature of the golden gauntlets, ...

Death at Agua Fria

  Combat begins in earnest, Grrunnarr slams forth into the skeleton in a fit of rage. Bobos with her quick thinking unleashes elemental wytchfire, shards of electric yellow energy in a blinding display, the skeleton lies motionless once more. As the party collects themselves they realize that this will keep coming back, Dungifer wracks his brain for possible rituals to decide how to best deal with it, he suggests burying the undead horror but they are in a stone room so they decide simply to never return. Heading out of the tomb complex they had been in they notice the mine that had been in has changed, the stone is more smoothly hewn and orbs connected by black rope illuminate the space for them. They begin heading to the floor directly below them. The air is noticeably colder as they enter into symmetric hallways. Dungifer is somewhat worried about how much deeper this place will go and if they would need to get more water. As this conversation happens Bobos hears the...