
    The year is 2072.
    The place is Neo Moines, Iowa, UCAS. A bustling city built on top of the ruins of old Des Moines. Rich with the abundance of wealth from the many soybean farms in the area Neo Moines is the place to be for people with strong ties to the soy industry, not really a great place for anyone else
    As the world changed and the world wide web reverted to a local web those who find themselves to be incredibly online just got weirder. Now we find ourselves on runner.home the premier place for shadowrunners in the area. It has a reputation for being home to the worst posters on this side of the Rockies and the 25th best jobs on this side of Cedar Rapids. Those who find themselves frequents of the sights are some of the most maladjusted weirdos you can find on any network and are the heroes of this story.
    Tune in next week for more info.

This is going to be a shadowrun style game ran in a rudimentary hack of capers I am gonna be testing out with friends. As times goes by and the hack get's refined then I will probably post a PDF of what you need for the hack to work. it may also come out after Capers Cyber because that will be a massive boon for making the hack a little easier.


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