Upon the Northern Isthmus: Troll Generator

 Far in the north sits an Isthmus, the history of this land is a history of cyclical time, now is the third age. Monsters inhabit the woods where humanity dear not tread. One of the inhabitants of those woods is the troll. When the party encounters the troll they may wonder what is the deal with it?

The troll looks mostly human except for

  1. The bright green skin

  2. A tree is growing out of their back

  3. The salmon head where a human head should be

  4. Massive curved tusks

  5. The bright pure yellow eyes

  6. Long hair composed entirely of roots

  7. A forked tongue

  8. The extra set of arms

  9. Having a boar snout

  10. A coating of bearlike fur

  11. The lack of a shadow

  12. Stones coating their back

What makes this troll special?

  1. They are a moon light mage
  2. They have been sleeping for so long and are so large that a town was built atop them without them noticing
  3. They are a guardian spirit of an animal graveyard
  4. They are deathly afraid of cats
  5. They are searching out anyone who can throw a boulder farther than them
  6. They have a mythical weapon lodged into their chest, but seem entirely unphased by that fact
  7. They can speak to the trees and know what the trees saw
  8. They have a horn that can blow upon to summon a giant elk steed
  9. They never leave tracks in a natural environment
  10. They have a second head they do not get along with
  11. They know the primal tongue of storms and can cause storms
  12. They have eyes that emit bright light


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