Two New Powers for CAPERS


Poisonous Skin 1-2

Minor Power

Your skin is toxic to the touch.

Activation: Free Action

Target: Self

Range: NA

Duration Continuous Once Activated


When your skin makes contact with another living thing, that living thing must make a Resilience/Willpower Reaction Check or take damage equal to your rank in this power.

You are immune to your own poison

Confusion Boost (M): The poisoned creature suffers disadvantage on all Trait Checks until the beginning of your next turn.

Damage Boost (M): Your poison deals +2 Hits damage until the beginning of your next turn.

Lacing Boost: An object you touch becomes poisonous to the touch until cleaned.

Poison Cloud Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, create a 20’ radius sphere of poisonous fumes centered on yourself. All creatures and objects in the sphere suffer 1 Hits damage at the end of your turn.

Psychotropic Boost (M): The poisoned creature views reality in a much more horrific manner until the end of your next turn.

Spray Boost: You fling the poison off of your body making an Agility/Ranged Weapons Check. The range of this spray is 30’.

Microbe Control 1-2

Minor Power

Activation: Trait Action, unless noted otherwise

Target: Anything

Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous


When you select this Power, choose one Boost to use as the standard effect for this Power. It is no longer considered a Boost; it counts as the standard effect. This does not count as one of the three Boosts you get when you take rank 1.

At rank 2, you gain two additional Boosts instead of just one

Byproduct Boost: Instead of standard effect, deal Color+1 Hits damage (acid) to any target within range.

Cure Boost: Instead of standard effect, you immediately cure someone of any disease they’ve contracted. 

Filtering Boost (M): Instead of standard effect, any hazardous substances breathed in has no effect on you.

Gut Biome Disruption Boost(M): Instead of standard effect, a creature suffers disadvantage on all Trait Checks as long as you maintain this Boost. 

Organic Digestion Boost: Instead of standard effect, you cause non living organic objects such as wood or cotton fabric to rot away.

Petrochemical Digestion Boost: Instead of standard effect, you cause plastics to rot away.

Range Boost: The range of this Power increases to 30’ until the beginning of your next turn.


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