Banished to the Frozen Layers of Hell


The party, having licked their wounds; delves deeper, down to the lowest of levels. Passing by the same grisly display of dwarven corpses they had seen the day prior they find themselves in the crystalline chasm. 

Following the stream they find themselves at a deeper gorge in the chasm, below is a giant dome of beautiful shining crystals with a hole at the bottom. Next to the waterfall is some rope secured into the stone with a spike, about 10 feet down the rope has been snapped, the rest of it lying next to the ground by the waterfall. Dungifer can tell something baleful is down there.

Bobos attempts to use monster summoning but is unable to channel enough magical energy through her to summon any of the monsters she has collected the parts of. She eats two days worth of rations as the arcane hunger sets in. Her plans of using the monsters as scouts seems to have gone nowhere.

In his infinite curiosity Kermit volunteers to go and explore the place himself, using the rope the party has he makes his way to the gemstone dome and disappears into the entrance.

The party can’t see him, they begin to panic. A minute passes. They are still panicking.

Eventually he pops out and climbs back up to where the rest of the party is. He tells of piles and piles of gold and platinum, a diamond throne, and a beast sat upon the throne. A 10 foot tall humanoid with bright blue skin, horrid claws, a monkey’s head, and ram horns, all encased in ice, unblinking with its black eyes. A great and wondrous crown sits upon its head.

Weary of this beast the party decided to send Kermit back to the dome, to attempt to take a single piece of the golden pile, with the rest of the team hanging just outside the entrance for backup.

Before Kermit can even pick up a single coin the being bellows out “YOU FOOL”

Bobos who had been preparing ruminating on the spell just out of sight works steps into the entrance and unleashes her Prismatic Wall, the demon enters a spell duel countering the light of the wall with darkness. The Demon is able to overpower bobos slightly but is unable to fully counter the light and a layer of white and red light form, spewing bright light and potent flames.

Dungifer attempts to cast banish but the power of Illdavir is not strong enough in that moment to send the hell prince back down to Hell.

Suddenly the demon stands up , walking through the wall of fiery light as if it was nothing and takes a swipe at Kermit, with a single touch Kermit vanishes from sight. No one knows where he is.

Radcliffe and Dungifer seeing this display of power begin to flee bravely back to where the rope was near the waterfall.

Bobos abandons her spell duel and also begins fleeing.

Dungifer is determined, calling upon his god in this extraordinary time he divinely spellburns, with a mighty display a clawed hand of plants and leaves emerges from ground where the demon stands, light floods the room, the demon is grasped firmly and pulled down to hell. The danger is gone. Dungifer collapses to the floor not used to this kind of spellcasting.

Calling once more upon Ildavir for divine aid Dungifer beseeches the Goddess for the location of Kermit. It is revealed to him that he is in the icy planes of hell, and that below the waterfall they are next to is a portal to the frigid hellscape.

Lowing Grillbar down on a rope he sees a crystal clear and lifeless lake, after some time hanging an ice flow comes near him, using his laser lance he anchors himself to the ice.

Radcliff who was holding the rope suddenly strains, just barely maintaining a grip. Bobos and Dungifer join in with the rope holding and are able to keep it steady. Grillbar, who was tied into a harness, feels the rope tighten and compress him.

After a minute of back and forth  and seeing no other option, grillbar to escape the compression cuts the rope and hopes to find Kermit, alone in hell he rides the water down to the unknown.


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