
Showing posts from July, 2024

House Rules Booklets

  I recently put together some zines of various house rules related stuff for my DCC games. It's nice to have all of these various things in print. Below I will detail all of the house rules I run with and their providence if need be. House Rules Free Occupations: The occupations have no lineage associated with them, roll 1d10 with 1-7 being human and the rest being dwarf elf and hobbits. d60 Birth Augurs: expanded birth augurs from the tales from the smoking wyrm issue 8. Expanded Gear: Just lots more gear, taking stuff from astonishing swordsmen and sorcerers of hyperborea, and 5e. Encumbrance: it's basicaly jus the 5e encumbrance system but with mausritter style item slots. Weapon Qualities: Inspired by wolves upon the coast and beyond damage dice. Firearms Rules: Generally inspired by matchlock guns. Hounds: dogs can be used to scare humanoids the way clerics can turn unholy, inspired by Mark Conway. Running and Jogging: A creature can move thrice their movement by ...

When the North Wind Blows Through the Valley, A Game Played in the Valley, and the Valley of the Golden Bull

- Lots of valleys in this one. I decided to do three this time because the first two were so slim. when the north wind blows through the valley Landsquid, Feral Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion. Magpie-faced Init: +3; Atk: As Weapon +2; Crit III/1d6; AC 11 (agility); HD 1d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Shiny Lover; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; AL L Shiny Lover: A Magpie-faced has a 80% chance of picking pockets successfully. It will either steal 1d30 golden coins or a trinket, judge’s choice. The creature on the hill Init: +0; Atk: Gore +8 melee (1d10+4); Crit M/d16; AC 14 (thick fur); HD 10d10; MV 40’; Act 1d24 + 1d20; SP Protective Wind, The Amber Dream; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6; AL L Protective Wind: Missile attacks made against the creature are made with a -2d penalty. A fumble against the creature means the projectile flies straight and true back towards the attacker, inflicting maximum damage on top of whatever else even occurs...