When the North Wind Blows Through the Valley, A Game Played in the Valley, and the Valley of the Golden Bull


Lots of valleys in this one. I decided to do three this time because the first two were so slim.

when the north wind blows through the valley

Landsquid, Feral

Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.


Init: +3; Atk: As Weapon +2; Crit III/1d6; AC 11 (agility); HD 1d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Shiny Lover; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; AL L
Shiny Lover: A Magpie-faced has a 80% chance of picking pockets successfully. It will either steal 1d30 golden coins or a trinket, judge’s choice.

The creature on the hill

Init: +0; Atk: Gore +8 melee (1d10+4); Crit M/d16; AC 14 (thick fur); HD 10d10; MV 40’; Act 1d24 + 1d20; SP Protective Wind, The Amber Dream; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6; AL L
Protective Wind: Missile attacks made against the creature are made with a -2d penalty. A fumble against the creature means the projectile flies straight and true back towards the attacker, inflicting maximum damage on top of whatever else even occurs.
The Amber Dream: Upon locking eyes with the creature on the hill a creature must make a DC 18 Will Save or bear the curse of the amber dream. They suffer a -2 luck Penalty and no longer heal from resting. Whenever they attempt to rest their bodies begin to work away fulfilling the desires of the creature.

A Game, Played in the Valley

Animal Aspirant

Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.


Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.

Mask Demon

Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.

Wild Bear

Init: +3; Atk: Claw +3 Melee (1d8+2) or Bite +5 Melee (1d6); Crit M/d10; AC 13 (thick fur); HD 4d6; MV 50’; Act 2d10 + 1d20; SP Bear Hug; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N
Bear Hug: If a bear lands two claw attacks on a single target it can scoop them up for an additional 1d10 damage. The victim must make an opposed Strength check to escape, the bear is treated as having a +6 modifier.

The Valley of the Golden Bull

Animal Aspirant

Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.

Arati the Oracle

Init: +3; Atk: Dagger +2 Melee (1d4+1); Crit III/d10; AC 10; HD 3d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Prophetic Sight; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2; AL N
Prophetic Sight: Arati can look into the eyes of someone and declare how they will die. For every round the creature is in a situation like the one Arati described the prophesized suffers a -1d penalty to resist their fate.


Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.

Bewitched Hero

Init: +2; Atk: As Weapon +1d5; Crit IV/1d16; AC 18 (panoply); HD 3d12; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Knock Down; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL C
Knock Down: 60% of all attacks made by the bewitched heroes require a Fort save against the attack roll to avoid being knocked prone.

Folk Hero

Init: +2; Atk: As Weapon +4; Crit III/d10; AC 15 (scale mail); HD 4d10; MV 35’; Act 1d20; SP Origins; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; AL N
Origins: A folk hero bears both trophy of triumph and stories to tell. Roll below to determine the details.
1d5 Trophy
1. Hide of a black maned lion. 2. Skin of an Essian Serpent. 3. Hero sash of the Marhabians. 4. Loose fitting iron crown. 5. Vuludhan vajra.

1d8 Stories 1. The hero went to the underworld and wrestled with death to earn their life once more. 2. The hero once dressed in drag in order to steal from a royal complex they had no access to. 3. The hero once tamed an entire heard of stampeding feral horses. 4. The hero rode on the back of a giant fish, all the way from the river to the sea. 5. The hero was struck by lighting, and survived. 6. The hero played the flute so true and beautiful they ended a drought. 7. The hero has a claim to the nobility of Lirsu. 8. The hero stole the sun from the sky before returning it.

Golden Bull

Init: +5; Atk: Gore +8 Melee (1d14+6/1d24+6); Crit M/d20; AC 15 (golden hide); HD 15d10; MV 40'’; Act 1d30 + 1d24; SP Storm Bringer, Charge, Trample, Immunity; SV Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +4; AL L
Storm Bringer: The golden bull brings storms where it walks, all fumbles cause the fumbler to be struck by lightning suffering 2d24 damage, in addition to whatever else occurs.
Charge: If the bull charges the gore attack inflicts 1d24+6 damage instead.
Trample: If the bull runs over something it inflicts 3d6 damage (DC 18 Ref save to half)
__Immunity:__The golden bull is immune to lighting damage.

Marda the Witch-Goddess

Init: +2; Atk: Daggers of the Witch +5 Melee (1d6+see special); Crit IV/d16; AC 12 (agility); HD 10d5; MV 35’; Act 1d20 + 1d20 + 1d20; SP Daggers of the Witch, Spellcasting; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +13; AL C
Daggers of the Witch: Marda's god daggers drain life from all touch them, each time a creature is harmed by them it suffer a -1d penalty to all actions, for every turn without being attacked the penalty is lessened by 1d.
Spellcasting: Marda knows the spells darkness, monster summoning, scare, invisibility, and curse. All spells are cast with a +10 bonus.

Mask Demon

Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.


As Man-at-arms (DCC RPG Core Book pg. 434)


As Man-at-arms (DCC RPG Core Book pg. 434)

Militiaman, Heavily Armored

Init: +3; Atk: As weapon +3 Melee, +2 damage; Crit III/d8; AC 18 (panoply); HD 2d12+3; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL N

Rabid Animal

Init: +2; Atk: Bite +4 Melee (1d6 + Rabies); Crit M/d4; AC 9 (sluggish movement); HD 1d6-2; MV 40’; Act 1d20; SP Rabies; SV Fort -2, Ref +2, Will -1; AL N
Rabies: If bitten by a rabid animal the victim may spend 18 points of luck to attempt to survive. There is a 1% chance the victim survives but is reduced to 1 in all physical ability scores, healing this ability score loss heals at a rate of 1 point every three months.

Storm God Priest

Init: +1; Atk: Staff +2 Melee (1d4+1); Crit III/d8; AC 14 (scale); HD 2d8; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP Storm's Fury; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; AL N
Storm's Fury: Upon striking a Priest of the Storm God for the first time, a great bolt of lightning strikes the attacker, inflicting 1d10 damage per priest present.

Temple Slave

As peasant DCC RPG (pg 434)

Witch-Goddess Supplicants

Init: +2; Atk: Sickle +3 Melee (1d5+1); Crit III/d6; AC XX; HD 1d6; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Spellcasting, Monstrous Patronage (d16); SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3; AL C
Spellcasting: Witch-Goddess Supplicants know the spells Chill Touch, Sleep, and Curse all with a +4 bonus to cast.
Monstrous Patronage: Witch-Goddess Supplicants use the monstrous patron rules found within the DCC RPG Annual. Upon calling upon the witch goddess the supplicant rolls an additional die. If this additional die is less than unmodified action die then the judge consults the invocation table below using the result of the additional die. If the unmodified action die is higher, then the judge consults the displeasure table using the action die results. A tie means either nothing happens or displeasure.

Marda the Witch Goddess


Results Attacking Spellcasting Saving Throw
1-2 Ghostly withered hands burst from the chest of the monster, it gains 4 1d14 action dice. The magic of the Witch Goddess explodes outwards and echoes through the phlogiston, the supplicant gains a +8 bonus to spellcasting. If the monster continues to cast the same spell each consecutive round it will receive 1 less of a bonus for each round until it is cast as normal. The monster automatically succeeds it's next saving through. If the saving throw was triggered as an attack a ghostly hand reflects the source of damage back at the source.
4-3 The goddess's thirst for blood hangs in the air. The monster gains a +5 bonus to attacks and a +3d bonus to sharp weapon damage for 1d14 rounds. An eyeless version of the monster's head appears next to their own gaining a +6 bonus to spellcasting, the spell is automatically cast with a result of 6 less the next round. The monster gains a +6 bonus to it's saving throws for 1d3 rounds. The witch goddess craves more, if the first saving throw is against a spell the attacking caster must make a Fort save against their own spell check or have their eyes stolen
5-6 Skeletal hands burst from the ground and grasp and ensnare the victims of the monster. For 1d10 rounds victims must make a DC 16 Strength check to break free from the hands if they wish to move. Flecks of gold and silver fill the air around the caster, the spell is cast with a +6 bonus and if the spell effect is longer than instantaneous the spell is cast with a +2d bonus. A large pearl appears over the monster's head, it siphons off the danger faced by the worshiper. The next next time the creature would suffer from the result of a saving throw this effect is halved (eg. charming last half as long, a dragons's breath inflicts half HP damage on a failed save and quarter on a successful save)
7-8 The Witch Goddess accepts this offering. For the next 1d6 rounds the monster gains a +4 bonus to attacks and the victims suffer a -1d bonus to all checks for 3 rounds after as their life is drained from them. The monster's eye glow a bright white, they gain a +5 bonus to cast the spell and may permanently sacrifice 1 HD to increase the duration of the spell by 10, assuming it is not instantaenous. The Witch Goddess demands blood, the monster gains a bonus to saving throws equal to the amount of damage it inflicts with it's next attack, this lasts for rounds equal to half HD of the creature (minimum 1).
9-10 The supplicant becomes enwreathed in crystals, gaining a +4 bonus to AC. Upon the next time the monster suffers damage the crystals burst causing 1d6 damage to the attacker if they were in melee. The supplicant taps into the same techniques used by the Goddess, they may spellburn for up to HD+1d3 points after the spell check has been made, withering their left arm in the process. An eye made of pure light appears on the forehead of her supplicant, giving it a +5 bonus to saving throws.
11-12 Pearls materialize out of thin air and pummel the target, inflicting damage as magic missile (DCC RPG pg. 144) using the action die as the result of the spell check. Quartz bursts forth from the ground accompanies by the wails of the long dead, the caster gains a +4 to spellcasting and for the following 1d4 rounds may cast spells with the crystal as the source. The Witch Goddess loathes that someone would cross those that serve her, she blesses her servant with a +2 bonus to saving throws and a -3 penalty to saving throw to any creature that triggered the saving throw.
13-14 Quartz crystals begin growing from the monster's weapons. For 1d3+1 rounds the monster gains a +3 bonus to attacks and inflicts an additional +1d5 damage. Astral hands of the dead emerge from the ground, the sky darkens as the spell is cast with a +3 bonus. Three arms, one shorter than the other appear in ghostly form, providing a +3 bonus to saving throws.
15-16 A ghostly double emerges conjoined to the back of the monster, it provides a +2 to attacks and an additional 1d16 action die for 1d5 rounds. Marda's half-dead energies flow through the caster providing a +2 bonus. If the spell has a variable length the caster may roll twice and take the better result. Quartz Crystals begin to grow around the monster's feet, providing it a +2 bonus to saving throws for 1d4 rounds as long as it stays perfectly still.
17-18 Marda's visage flashes over the monster, striking fear into the victims. The supplicant's next attack is made with a +2 and all enemies bearing witness must make a Morale check. Marda has little time for those who have not proven themselves, the monster may gain a +2 bonus to spellcasting if they successfully attack something first. The Witch Goddess cares not for the wretch that calls upon her. But their belief she does gives it +1 bonus to saving throws, and +3 to morale checks.
19+ A pearlescent shine coast the monster's weapons providing a +1 bonus to the attack, if the weapon is magic it additionally inflicts an additional +1d3 damage. The baleful wind of Marda sings it's unheard song, saving throws made against the spell must make the check twice and take the worse result, if the spell does not trigger a saving throw it is instead made at a +1. Marda has no time for her supplicant. It begins to bleed suffering 1d4 damage and gaining a bonus to saving throws equal to damage suffered.


Results Effect
1 Marda hates this pathetic wretch. It withers and blackens in an instant, nothing more than a rotten mummy.
2-3 She demands what she does not have, the supplicant's eye is torn out. It suffers 1d6 damage in the process and makes and suffers a -4 penalty to all actions, with an additional -2 to missile attacks.
4-5 The hands of the undead rise from the ground below the cast, they rend at the flesh and inflicting 1d3 damage and keeping the monster trapped in place for 1d4 rounds.
6-7 New misshapen limbs burst froth from the monster, halfing their speed permanently and providing a a -2 penalty to all Ref saves and checks requiring nimbleness.
8-9 The monster begins bleeding from every orifice suffering 1d3 damage for 1d3 rounds.
10-11 Marda decides to play with the form of her loyal, they grow a second face on the back of their head, it is limp at all times.
12-13 The supplicant begins to rot, it is reduced to 1 HP per HD, and can move at a quarter of it's normal speed.
14-15 A ghostly hand drags the monster half way into the ground, getting unstuck requires 3 whole action dice.
16-17 Pears rain down like hail at the monster, inflicting 3d3 damage.
18-19 Tiny quartz begins to grow out of the monster's skin, this pain inflicts a -2 to all action for the next two rounds, this lasts for 4 rounds if a DC 15 Fort save is not made.
20 She feels no sympathy for this incessant supplicant, it becomes buried under the ground and must make a DC 14 Ref save to claw their way back to the surface before dying, having only a single hitpoint remain.


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