The General Glory System 0.9

I plan on running a game where an expansionist empire will be a somewhat central problem. What is an expansionist empire if it doesn’t have military leaders vying for power and glory along with their conquest?

Adolf Ehrhardt's Die Schlachten
To help facilitate that I have created a simple numerical system to track how much glory one person has gained to the people of the empire.

The Count 

Each General has a renown score, the score represents the abstract public image of them as a person. Their score can only change once they have returned from the front line.

There are five brackets of renown one can have.

  • Unknown (1-15)
    • While they are an accomplished general the people do not know much of you.
  • Respected (16-30)
    • Talk of their exploits has reached the public. The people respect their military might
  • Renowned (31-45)
    • The people hear fables of what you do. People will sometimes walk up to them to thank them for their service to the empire.
  • Revered (46-60)
    • Considered one of the greats of the empire. The people love them dearly, some consider them the best general of this generation
  • More loved than the Emperor (61+)
    • The people love them so much they would gladly accept them as their new Imperial Leader

At renown levels 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 the character gains a new title reflective of the actions they have undertaken on their Campaigns.

The Modifiers
These are some of the actions a general can take of events that happen to change their score. 

Bring back a Monster unknown to the Empire (Alive) 7
Bring back a Monster unknown to the Empire (Dead) 6
Bring back an Animal unknown to the Empire 5
Bring back an Artifact 3
Bring back a Religious or Magical Artifact 6
Conquer a City 8
Conquer a Town 4
Describe an Animal unknown to the Empire (Deceitfully) 3
Describe an Animal unknown to the Empire (Truthfully) 4
Establish an Outpost 5
Gain a minor Scar 1
Prove you are Innocent of Treason 8
Win in a Duel to an Equal Opponent 4

Be accused of Treason -4
Be revealed to be a liar -5
Disobeying high Command and Failing -8
Disobeying higher Command -4
Fail to Defend a City -6
Gain Major Scarring -3
Loose Imperial Flag -4
Loose in a Duel to an Equal Opponent -4
Loose in battle to another Empire -5
Loose in battle to an Unworthy Opponent -7
Plotting Against the Empire -20
Refuse to Duel -6

Team Work
When two generals work together on a campaign there is a role made to see who gets the lion's share of the glory. Two opposing roles are made by the generals using a d8 with a modifier based off of what bracket they are in. 
Being Unknown provides +0
Being Respected provides +1
Being Renowned provides +2
Being Revered provides +3
Being More loved than the Emperor provides +4

The general with the higher result gets all of the renown points.
The Sheet

The 0.9
while I believe the basic concept of this is down I don't think this is finished at all. These numbers are just ballpark estimations. This is a system that would need a fair amount of use via playtesting an entire campaign and that is somewhat hard to do so I am releasing it in it's unfinished state to be updated later.


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