The Dreaming Lake & Vuludh and its Surrounds


The Dreaming Lake


To create a chimera roll to determine how many d10 HD it has. Roll 1d8, dice explode.

A chimera hasas follows.

  • An initiative bonus equal to HD-3
  • A 1d20 action die for every two heads, and a 1d14 for each tail it has.
  • It begins with Atk Bite HD+3 Melee (2d4), Claw HD+2 Melee (1d6), Tail Attack HD+1 Melee (1d5) on tier 1 (2 heads, 1 Tail) but for every tier above that it gains +2 to all attack rolls and +1d to all damage dice.
  • 40’ movement.
  • It begins with Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2 at tier 1, but for every tier above that it gains +3 Fort, +2 Ref, and +1 Will.
  • Saves forced by the chimera are DC 7+HD.


1-4 2 Heads, 1 Tail

5-7 2 Heads, 2 Tails

8-10 3 Heads, 2 Tails

11-13 3 Heads, 3 Tails

14-16 4 Heads, 3 Tails

17-19 4 Heads, 4 Tails

20-22 5 Heads, 4 Tails

23-32 5 Heads, 5 Tails

33+ Ever shifting as if all results.

1d20 Heads

  1. Baboon: The chimera knows the languages of man.
  2. Bear: The chimera’s claw attacks gain a +2d bonus to damage.
  3. Crocodile: If the chimera lands 2 successful bite attacks in a row it death rolls for an additional 2 bite’s worth of damage.
  4. Elephant: The chimera may trample over a victim, triggering a Ref save to avoid damage as claw.
  5. Goat: The chimera knows the spell flaming hands and casts it with a +HD bonus.
  6. Hornet: Any venomous tails the chimera may have are twice as potent.
  7. Komodo Dragon: Bite attacks inflicts massive bleeding, causing 1d8 damage per round until bandaged up.
  8. Landsquid: Bite attacks have a percent chance to destroy armor equal to damage inflicted.
  9. Lion: The chimera gains +1 to all saves.
  10. Mosquito: Bite attacks trigger a Fort save against a consuming fever lasting 3d4 weeks.
  11. Owl: The chimera gains a glide speed of 50’.
  12. Ox: The chimera gains a +3 bonus to Fort saves.
  13. Pronged Beast: The chimera’s bite attack can grapple the victims.
  14. Rat: The chimera has absurdly large testicles, damage inflicted against the testicles have a +3d bonus.
  15. Raven: The chimera gains a +3 bonus to Will saves.
  16. Rhino: The chimera gains a charge attack equivalent to it’s bite attack that also knocks back the victim 1’ per damage dealt.
  17. Shark: The chimera gains a 80’ swimming speed.
  18. Star-Nosed Mole: The chimera gains 300’ of infravision.
  19. Tiger: The chimera gains a +3 bonus to Ref saves.
  20. Vampire Bat: For every 5 damage dealt by a bite the chimera heals 2 hp.

1d10 Tails

  1. Alligator: Tail attacks gain a +2d damage bonus, rolls of 7+ break bones.
  2. Alligator Snapping Turtle: Tail attacks have a percentage chance equal to damage dealt to sever a limb.
  3. Centipede: Tail attacks trigger a Will save or have memories of past 1d7 days disappear, cumulative.
  4. Electric Eel: Tail attacks also trigger a Fort save to avoid having movement reduced to 0’ and action die decreased by -2d until the end of next turn.
  5. Jellyfish: Anything walking behind the chimera or struck by a tail attack must make a Ref Save against paralysis for 1d3 hours.
  6. Monkey: The chimera gains a 35’ climb speed, but suffers a -1d penalty to tail damage.
  7. Peacock: Provides no benefit for the chimera, but is worth 200 x HD gold.
  8. Salamander: All tail attacks have a 1-in-4 chance of igniting the victim.
  9. Scorpion: Tail attacks inflict an additional 2d4 damage with the help of pincers.
  10. Viper: Tail attack tricker a Fort save to avoid blindness.

Dog Cultist

Init +2; Atk +1 Bite (1d3); Crit M/d6; AC 12 (natural agility); HD 1d8; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP Go for the throat; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will -1; AL L

Go for the Throat: A dog cultist’s crit range is expanded to 15-20 against prone enemies.


Generate a dragon as normal in DCC, however use this expanded breath weapon table as described in this blogpost


Init +1; Atk As weapon +2 Melee, Shield Bash +2 Melee (1d3); Crit III/d6; AC 11 (shield); HD 1d10; MV 20'; Act 1d20 + 1d14; SP Shield Warriors; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.

Shield Warriors: Dwarves gain a +1 bonus to attacks for every other dwarf forming a shield line with them.

Flea, Giant

Init: +2; Atk: Bite +2 Melee (1d7); Crit M/d6; AC 12 (chitin); HD 1d7+2; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP Blood Sucker: SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -3; AL N.

Blood Sucker: A successful bite attack has a 50% chance of healing the flea for that amount of HP, but decreasing its movement speed by 5’.

Iron Attuner

Init +0; Atk Dagger +0 Melee (1d4); Crit III / d4; AC 10; HD 1d6-2; MV 30'; Act 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1; AL L. 

Pronged Beast

Init: +0; Atk: Kick +3 (4d6); Crit M/d10; AC 13 (tough skin); HD 4d8; MV 55’; Act 1d20; SP Trampler; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will -2; AL N.

Trampler: A pronged beast make walk over any creature, inflicting 3d6 damage (DC 14 Ref save to avoid)


Init: +0; Atk: Bite +0 Melee (1d3); Crit M/d4; AC 15 (small size); HD 1/2d6; MV 20’’; Act 1d20; SP Bitter Poison; SV Fort -2, Ref +5, Will +3; AL N.

Bitter Poison: All attacks made against Ujol automatically hit. The poison will kill him.


Init: +6; Atk: +12 Melee (1d6+7); Crit IV/d12; AC 10; HD 7d7; HP 1; MV 70’’; Act 1d20 + 1d20; SP Blessing of Ujol; SV Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +10; AL N.

Blessing of Ujol: Ujol resists all damage not inflicted by his own weapon, the iron baculum of Yu-Ut-Yt.


  • The Bronze Helm: adorned with a scarab that makes him immune to all poisons.
  • The Baculum Blade, +2 sword sword: INT 15 (+2 ego check); AL C; communication: telepathy; SP God Killer: any demigod or deity must make a DC 18 Fort save or die instantly, Rebirth: every day in possession of the sword the bearer must make an ego check or begin morphing into Yu-Ut-Yt, starting penis/clitorist first.

Winged Baboon

Init: +2; Atk: Bite +2 Melee (1d5), Grab +2 Melee (See special); Crit M/d8; AC 13 (protective fur); HD 2d6; MV 40’ or 80’ fly; Act 1d20; SP Grab: SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0; AL N.

Grab: A group of baboons may lift up their group size in HD, lifting it up at 15’ per round. Prefering to drop their targets.

Vuludh And Its Surrounds


Init: +0; Atk: Punch +1 Melee (1d3-1); Crit I/d6; AC 10; HD 2d4; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Spells, Mage’s Fate; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2; AL N

Spells: Knows Lightning Bolt and Haste casting with a +3 bonus.

Mages Fate: Upon reaching 0 hp a giant stormcloud hand reaches into the sky and plucks him into the heavens.


Init: +3; Atk: No-Dachi Melee (2d5, range 10’); Crit III/d14; AC 18 (plate); HD 2d12; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP Indomitability: SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0; AL N

.Indomitability: Borsa ignored anything less than maximum damage rolls.


As described above.


Init: +2; Atk: Claw +4 Melee (1d5+2 see special) ; Crit M/d8; AC 13 (natural agility); HD 3d10; MV 20’ or 30’ fly; Act 1d20; SP Petrifying: SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; AL N

Petrifying Claw: All coming in contact with the cockatrice must make a DC 15 Will save or have that body part turn to stone. If it is a limb turned to stone the victim suffers a -5’ movement penalty and their agility score cannot provide more than a +0 bonus to AC. If it is the head then victim is unable to move and will die in 1d3 turns.

Crystal Jaguar

Init: +12; Atk: Crystalline Claws +5 Melee (1d8+4); Crit M/d8; AC 14 (natural agility); HD 3d14; MV 70’’; Act 1d20 + 1d20 + 1d14; SP Crystal: SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +0; AL N.

Crystal: All beam type magic aimed at the jaguar has a 40% chance of effecting everything within 50’ of the jaguar.

L’ullnl (Type II Demon)

Init: +6; Atk: Kick +5 Melee (1d8+ 10’ knockback), Bite +4 Melee (4d3); Crit DN/d6; AC AC 22 (immunity to pain); HD 6d12; MV 80’; Act 1d20 + 1d10; SP Demonic Traits, Immunities, Empowering, Unlucky; SV Fort XX, Ref XX, Will XX; AL C

Demonic Traits: L’ullnl can speak and read mind, as infravision at unlimited range, and can cast darkness with a +8 bonus, can travel back to hell at will, and crits on a 19-20.

Immunities: Immune to non magical attacks of creatures less than 4HD. As suffers half damage from fire, acid, cold, electricity, and gas.

Empowering: Any rabbit swarm under the control of L’ullnl gains +2 HD.

Unlucky: Any luck checks made in the presence of L’ullnl are made with a d30.


Init: +3; Atk: Rend +8 Melee (2d5), Pierce +6 Melee (2d6 + Venom); Crit M/d12; AC 16 (chitin plating); HD 6d7; MV 40’ or 20’ fly; Act 1d20 + 1d16; SP Venom: SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +6; AL L

Venom: The victim must make a DC 20 Fort save or suffer 1d4 stamina damage.


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