The Hunt Begins


Chapter 2: The Hunt for Radoslav Neville

Only a few survived the trip back, things from below waited for them.

For a month they laid low in the Wildling’s Head Inn. Biding their time.

They gathered their strength, Rorschach and Holy began to spar with each other slowly building up their martial prowess, Giancarlo began to study the space inbetween space, Liquorice began using her blindness to run confidence scams, and Yulia began to worship the old heathen ways. 

Needing to know who it was that sabotaged their ship they begin to hatch a plan. They will head to the Piskaro Stock Company to see if they could find any information on the manifest of the Saint Demelza. Following the instructions of the trusted barkeep, Kastor, they made their way without incident to the stock company building.

Standing outside the looming brick building were two foreigners smelling of brine and perfumey wildflowers. Liquorice, wanting to practice her thieving abilities, bumped into one and picked his pocket in the process, procuring a bearer bond for the Captain Carlisle Expedition to Mudraal. As the clock struck 8 the sun began to rise, and the group entered into the building.

Giancarlo and Liquorice were able to convince the older woman behind the counter, Pavlina, to give them the ship’s manifest. Liquorice evoking the name of her wealthy father, and Giancarlo with his clerkly experience was able to say all the right things.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but there was one ill described object listed simply as artifact, that was in the belonging of a Radoslav Neville.

It was a start.


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