A DCC conversion of the Bestiary in Glory Hole Dwarven Mine

I recomend for the undead monsters you add an aditional random trait to add to the DCC flavor. I have added my own but chose to not include them here.



Initiative: +2

Attacks: Bite +6 Melee (1d4+1)

HD: 2d8

AC: 13

Movement: 20’

Action: 1d20

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -2

Crit: M / 1d12


Initiative: +3

Attacks: Fist +7 Melee (3d4)

HD: 10d6

AC: 13

Movement: 40’

Actions: 1d24 + 1d20

Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +4

Crit: M / 1d16

Black Widow Spider

Initative: +1

Attacks: Bite +0 Melee (poison)

AC: 15 when attacked with a normal weapon, 10 if wide object.

HD: 1/2d3

Movement: 15’

Action: 1d20

Special: Poison DC 14 Fort Save, 1 strength damage on success, 1d4 on fail (permanent)

Saves: Fort -6, Ref +2, Will -6

Cave Bear

15 foot tall bear

Initiative: +2

Attacks: Bite +8 Melee (4d6), Claw +8 Melee (3d4)

HD: 8d10

AC: 15

Movement: 30’

Action: 1d20 + 1d20


  • If two claw attacks hit the bear may hug and grapple the victim, dealing an additional 2d6. Lasts until 6 points of damage are inflicted by someone else.

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +4, Will -1.

Crit: M / 1d14

Cave Fiend

Small rock grey humanoid with long claws and wicked fangs. They are as intelligent as goblins and covet black and shiny things. Repulsed by bright lights. 3 feet tall

Initiative: +6

Attacks: Bite +2 Melee (1d4), Claw +2 Melee (1d3)

HD: 3d12

AC: 16

Movement: 40’

Action: 2d10 + 1d20 + 1d16


  • +10 to stealth rolls.

  • Immune to charming as well as fire and ice damage.

  • Can see in the dark

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2.

Crit: M / 1d8

Cave Troll

9 foot tall big hairy monsters, they stay in caves as they don’t want to be turned into stone but love gold. Also love torture.

Initiative: +2

Attacks: Slam +7 Melee (4d4)

HD: 10d8 

AC: 18

Movement: 30’

Action: 1d24 + 1d20

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +0

Crit: M / 1d18

Demon Statuettes

Tiny Stone Statues ranging from 6 inches to 2 feet. They are animated by a demon living inside them. Can only move when their medallions are taken off.

Initiative: +5

Attacks: Smack +2 Melee (1d3)

HD: 2d6

AC: 15

Movement: 45’

Actions: 1d20 + 1d20


  • Immune to all non magical weapons and mild altering effects

Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4

Crit: M / 1d8

Grave Guardians

Skeletons that wanted to keep their riches.

Initiative: +3

Attack: Smack +4 Melee (1d3 + 1 Stamina Damage)

HD: 6d6+4

AC: 15

Movement: 30’

Actions: 1d20


  • immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits

  • Half damage from pointy weapons, +50% with blunt weapons. Double damage holy weapons.

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5

Crit: U / 1d10

Grave Sentinel

Beefier grave guardians.

Initiative: +4

Attack: Grab +6 Melee (1d7 +1 Stamina Damage)

HD: 10d6+16

Movement: 45’

Action: 1d20


  • immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits

  • Half damage from pointy weapons, +50% with blunt weapons. Double damage holy weapons.

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +6

Cirt: U / 1d14


Love to be little shits

Initiative: +6

Attacks: Bite +1 Melee (1d3) or Stab +1 Melee (1d3)

AC: 18

HD: 1d6+1

Movement: 35’ or 35’ climb

Action: 1d20


  • 80% chance to hide in shadows and move silently.

  • Dagger deals an extra 2d3 damage from behind.

  • Can cause a 20’ wide 35’ long cone of hot air.

  • Can cause shadows

  • Summon Insect Swarm.

  • Immune to mind altering effects, ice and fire damage, and spells under 3rd level.

Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3

Crit: III / 1d6

Ice Demon

9 foot tall icy slenderman

Initiative: +3

Attacks: Claw +5 (1d14+1)

AC: 19

HD: 6d8

Movement: 35’

Action: 1d20


  • can speak and communicate telepathically, as infravision at unlimited range, and can cast darkness with a +12 bonus, can travel back to hell at will or any point on the same plane, and crits on a 18-20.

  • Immune to non magical attacks of creatures less than 5HD and weapons of less than +2. Suffers half damage from fire, cold, electricity, and gas.

  • Magical Abilities: Ice Spear 300’ (3d8 ice damage), Ice Darks 150’ up to 8 targets (1d4), Ice Storm 30’ sphear 4d5 ice damage, ray 4d4 covers in 3 cubic feet of ice (suffocate within 4 minutes) 

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6

Crit: DN / 1d6


Initiative: +1

Attacks: Bite +2 Melee (1d3) or as weapon +2 Melee 

AC: 13

HD: 3d5+3

Movement: 30’ or 60’ flying

Action: 1d20


  • can speak infernal and common, has infravision at unlimited range, and can cast darkness and scorching ray with a +4 bonus.

  • suffer half damage from non magical weapons and are immune to fire.

  • Immune to mind altering effects and spells of second level or below. 

  • Can shape change at will.

  • Can see invisible

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1

Crit: DN / 1d3

Green Gargoyle

Flying green lizardmen, 7 to 12 feet tall

Initiative: +0

Attacks: Claw +5 Melee (4d3)

AC: 15

HD: 4d16

Movement: 25’ or 75’ flying

Action: 1d20 + 1d14

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3

Crit: M / 1d8

Devil Bat

Giant man human hybrids from hell!

Initiative: +4

Attacks: Bite +4 melee (1d4+1), Claw +4 (1d3)

AC: 15

HD: 6d6

Movement: 15’ or 60’ flying

Action: 2d10 + 1d20 + 1d14


  • Hellfire ball every two minutes, 100’ DC 16 fort save or 2d4 damage and all magic items melt

  • Immune to non magical or non silver weapons.

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3

Crit: M / 1d12 

Granite Golem

Indistinguishable from statues.

Initiative: +0

Attacks: Slam +10 Melee (1d24)

AC: 20

HD: 7d16

Movement: 15’

Action: 1d24


  • Automatically resists 2 points of damage, immune to crits.

  • 1% chance to go berserk each round

Saves: Fort +12, Ref -2, Will +0

Crit: M / 1d12  

Myreautog, The Demon of the Caverns

A demon cast out of the underworld

Initiative: +6

Attacks: Claw +14 Melee (1d16+2), Bite +14 Melee (6d5), Headbuttabout (1d24 + pushed back 10’)

AC: 21

HD: 20d8

Movement: 35’

Action: 1d24 + 1d20


  • If two claw attacks hit it can bite or bite and headbutt with a d16 action die.

  • can speak infernal and telepathically communicate, has infravision at unlimited range, can teleport to any plane as long as not bound, can astrally and ethereally project, and crits on 20-24 or a 16-20.

  • Immune to weapons of less than +4, or attacks from creatures of 9 or less HD. Immune to fire explosions, cold, electricity, gas, and acid.

  • Spells Known with +20 bonus, speak with dead, darkness, ray of cold (inverted scorching ray)

  • Can forgo an action each round to make an ice storm of up to 100 x 100 x 100 feet. All inside suffer 1d16+2 damage.

  • Can see magic aura, can custom 1d4-1 devil bats, imps, gremlins, and ice devils at well.

Saves: Fort +16, Ref +16, Will +17

Crit: DN / 1d24

Night Fiend

Like cave fiends but not as sensitive to light

Initiative: +6

Attacks: Bite +2 Melee (1d4), Claw +2 Melee (1d3)

HD: 4d12

AC: 15

Movement: 40’

Action: 2d10 + 1d20 + 1d16


  • +10 to stealth rolls.

  • Immune to charming as well as fire and ice damage.

  • Can see in the dark, blind in daylight

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2.

Crit: M / 1d8


Initiative: +7

Attacks: As weapon +0 Melee (halves damage die)

HD: 1d6+2

AC: 18

Action: 1d20


  • Knows all 1st and 2nd level nature spells graves and groves +3 to cast.

Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3

Crit: F/ 1d3 (this is a custom fairy crit table I will post later)

Red Man

Red Wearing vocal imitators.

Initiative: +2

Attack: As weapon +1

AC: 15

Action: 1d20

Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3

Special: Can imitate any sounds and use any sonic spells.

Crit III / 1d8

Three Headed Ogre

Always arguing amongst themselves. 12 feet tall.

Initiative: -4

Attack: Slam +6 (2d6) or as weapon +6 Melee

HD: 8d10

AC: 12

Action: 1d24 + 1d24 + 1d16

Special: Crit range of 3.

Saves: Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2

Crit: G / 1d4


Initiative: +4

Attacks: Bite +6 Melee (1d4+1), Claw +6 Melee (2d3)

HD: 4d8

AC: 16

Movement: 20’

Action: 1d20+1d20+1d14

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will -2

Crit: M / 1d14


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