Eating Glue


Having just ran off the scaled fiends the party continues upon the path, they pass by an air shaft and down into the a dead end of collapsed cave. 

Heading back they are interrupted by a sense Dungifer feels under his feet of danger, as the group starts discussing what it might be a giant red ant bursts out from the floor, attacking Dungifer! While in the grasp of this giant beast everyone tries to act quickly. Grillbar attempts to stab with his trusty polearm and Bobos with deft skill quick draws her bow, but the hard chitin armor of the ant is too strong.

Dugifer calls upon Ildavir and paralyzes the attacker. Looking below he sees many more ants and calls once more upon his goddess and turns them all! The group makes great haste to flee and find themselves out of harm's way.

After going southward the party takes a quick break to catch their breath and talk over their plan. They head into the mine proper out of the creekbed they have been exploring and into the excavated mine.

Radcliff notices a secret passageway and they explore the surrounding area to make sure they know how it all connects. They see stairs leading down to the 7th floor of the dungeon but remember the details Shantra had mentioned about where the treasure was and decided to stay on the 6th floor.

After some more exploring and going down a small incline the party finds themselves at a threshold, the stone gives away into cut and orderly bricks, very old old bricks. Yearning for treasure they embark finding themselves in some complex. They make their way to the east and find a plane stone room with a coffin.

Dungifer casts detect evil trying to see if there is anything untowards in the coffin but instead gets a feeling, something is below them, something very very strong and very evil, however the coffin is not it.

Opening up the coffin the group find a timebrowned skeleton, it seems to have had some teeth removed but other than that it is uninteresting. Dungifer performs funerary rights with his sack of night soil.

Heading more towards the west the party sees a glimmer out of the corner of their eyes and investigates a small room filled with some piles.

There is one pile of what appear to be weapons, one pile of assorted objects, and one pile of junk.

Bobos see strange black boxes with circles in the center and breaks one open with her staff, there are only a few green boards and fine copper wires inside. Grillbar sees a set of large colorful sling stones and an L shaped object with some kind of trigger wishing to test it for magic he puts it in his mouth but detects nothing. Kermit picks up a small tube and presses a button letting forth fire, surprised he drops it. Dungifer picks up a tablet covered in strange runes and has a feeling in his bones that this is important for speaking with a long forgotten god. 



Final grillbar finds a vial of clear substance, being immune to ingested poisons as a goblin he has no fear as he takes a swig, only yo shock and horror realize that his tongue is now stuck to his teeth, rendering him mute.


The other party is alarmed, concerned that he has fallen under a curse, but grillbar is able to calm them on that specific front. Seeing his tongue is stuck radcliff offers to cut it free, after some great coaxing and negotiation and a suggested of Grrunnarr ripping out his tongue and Dungifer regrowing it with magic it is decided that some oral surgery is the best option.

The ever confident Radcliff is just able to cut away at this strange film freeing Grillbar without harm.


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