Respecting Women so Hard


The party descends the elevator to the lowest they can go, the 6th level of the mine. They head northward in the tunnels until they reach a bricked up wall. Dungifer feels through his second second there is a woeful force behind the wall so they decide to leave it be despite their curiosity.

They begin wandering about until they come in contact with a natural formation of the cave intersecting with the tunnels. They follow it southward until they come into a large room that is damp, they realize that what they had been walking in was a dried out stream bed.

There are two options: either go towards a passage that is above them tangent to the cave or continue on the dried streambed. They continue on the streambed until they begin to trek upwards, after a few twists and turns and the breaking down of a brick wall Dungifer felt safe around the adventurers find themselves in another elevator room. 

The party is two torches deep.

Radcliff sees a locked double door and opens it with skill to find a hallway also intersecting a natural cave formation. This formation has a much shorter ceiling so Grillbar decides to brave it alone. Eventually he sees a group of three women in a cave in front of him and decides to watch them respectfully.

The rest of the party hears something from inside the cave and readies themselves for action. Dungifer casts stinging stone and prepares.

Suddenly a stone grey skinned humanoid with saber teeth and wicked claws bites into the leg of Dungifer, it claws wildly and scratches him up. Another of the same type of beast shoots out of the darkness as well sinking its fangs into Radcliff, the collective screams of the two injured alert grillbar. Bobos fires an arrow into the back of the creature attacking radcliff, as radcliff flails with his knife trying to get it off. The beast turns its attention towards Bobos lets go of Radcliff, he uses this opportunity to backstab the creature.

Dungifer unleashes his stinging stone upon the creature attacking him, the stone becomes a scorpion and stings the beast right in the neck, immobilizing it.

Bobos lets forth a final arrow into the back of the saber toothed thing and it falls limp. She then rushes over to the immobilized beast and bashes its head in with her staff until it stops moving entirely. 

The party reunites, Dungifer calls upon the power of Ildavir to heal Radcliff. As they collect themselves Radclif hears something, a footstep meant to be silent but misplaced.

The party shuts their lantern and hides against the wall. The three women Grillbar had seen earlier enter the chamber. Grrunnarr’s eyes widen and he doesn’t hesitate, within a second he turned the first woman to enter into a pile of meat with a single slam. He torch falls to the ground but does not extinguish. The others do not hesitate, Radcliff backstabs another one and Grillbar impales the final woman with his polearm.

The woman who was back stabbed survived by just barely. Grillbar asks of Grrunnarr why he attacked them and he said with pain deep in his voice these were the ones who killed my wife, they were the black lotus. The party let's Grrunnarr finish off the injured woman.

The party collects themselves once again, blood has flown freely over the past minute. Radcliff looks through the supplies of the three dead assassins, and finds 5 vials of an injestive poison known as Wolf’s Spit, it is used primarily by the forces of the Invincible Overlord of Punjar.

Grrunnarr sits down for a while, contemplating his life now that his quest for revenge has been fulfilled. The words of Dungifer translated through Grillbar are just enough to convince Grrunnarr to continue following the part as this is what fate must want.

The party continues wandering through the caves until they realized they made a big look and are back at the elevator shaft.


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