Giant Flying Lizard Men Laden with Malice and Maces

art provided by Dungifer's player

As the party redescends down to the 6th level of the dungeon they decide to head south in hopes of going deeper into the dungeon but find themselves at a dead end. All hope is not lost as the dead end they find themselves at is laden with gold ore.

They make a note of these riches and head north only to find themselves at yet another dead end, but this time free of riches.

Heading westward in hopes of finding a way south they find themselves in the natural creek bed they had been exploring earlier but this time head to the north.

With the second sight of Dungifer they are altered to a danger up ahead. Grillbar goes forth alone. While that is happening bobos attempts to cast both magic shield and armor of grass but is unable to bring either to fruition and loses them both for the day.

In the cave up ahead Grillbar is unable to see anything with his infravision but hears sounds of reptilian hissing back and forth, planning to spring an ambush Grillbar makes some noise by banging his polearm against the walls of the cave and runs back towards the group. 

With luck on his side he makes it back quickly in the dark with the rest of the party waiting in ambush. Bobos lets forth a stream of fire and in the process summons forth Bobos the Sleepy, Bobos the on Fire, Barkbark the Dog Wizard, Bobos the Mime, and Goobos the Sloppy, all joining in with the casting of the spell. The light from the fire illuminates four green lizard men with large wings. The fire sears the first one in line. Radcliff jumps out of the shadows he had been hiding in and stabs one of them in the back.

Dungier Summons forth a spiritual weapon and with two mighty blows from the divine mace the seared winged lizard man is dead, in the rush and chaos the remaining three green lizardmen slam into the first in line and fall into a pile.

Dungifer lets forth a word of command compelling the four lizardly fiends to grovel and they do. Radcliff, like a barber surgeon, slits their throats one at a time while they grovel.

The party collects themselves and prepares to enter the room ahead, Dungifer detects a danger ahead but keeps quiet, not wishing to bring down the mood of the party.

As they enter the room ahead they are greeted with six more of the scaly fliers, one of them obviously bigger than the others carrying a mace. They were talking in a circle but immediately upon seeing the party the mace holder screams out a guttural reptilian sound and all prepare for combat.

Grrunnarr immediately rushes the largest of the lizardmen, and knocks the mace out of their hands. Radcliff prepares some of the wolf spit poison in hopes of trying to poison the scaled foes but is unable to get it into any of their mouths. Grillbar charges with his polearm but is unable to make contact with his target. Kermit charges in with a knife hoping to be of use, but misses.

The lizardmen retaliate, the biggest foe strikes back at Grrunnarr. The one Grillbar attempted to stab retaliates and crits, breaking Grillbar’s Ribs, another tries to swoop in and attack but just misses. The fiend that Kermit attempted to slay swipes back and nearly brings him to death’s door.

Bobos unleashes a stream of elemental witchfire, like daggers made of pure yellow flame, at Kermit’s assailant and kills it instantly as electric fire dances off the corpse. Dungifer runs up towards Grillbar and lays on hands fixing the broken ribs.

As our sasquatch companion and the biggest continue to duke it out, but Grrunnarr fumbles and nearly trips, allowing the lizardman to pick back up his mace. Kermit throws his knife at the nearest lizard and misses, and quickly turns tail and runs. Grillbar goes in for another stab on his original target and stabs deep into its flesh. Radcliff begins to sneak around the side of the combat in hopes of stabbing the largest green beast in the back.

One of the lizardmen swoops down attempting to claw at Bobos but misses by just a hair and lands on the ground behind her. With the mace now in hand the largest of the cretins swings wildly at Grrunnarr and misses. A third green beast surrounds Dungifer and Grillbar and claws at Dungifer in a terrible display.

Bobos unleashes elemental witchfire at the largest beast causing it to glow. Dungifer tries to call upon his god but in the heat of melee his calls are unanswered. 

Radcliff sweeps in from behind and backstabs the giant glowing scaly fiend, and in this shock Grrunnar sweeps in with another set of blows, it’s obviously very injured. Grillbar stabs at his target for a third and final time killing it dead.

The mace wielder sees two of its fellow cretins dead and gives the order for them to retreat, they all manage to fly just out of reach of the would be attackers but into another room where their reptilian screams become more and more distant. 

The party collects themselves and Dungifer lays on lands healing the very injured Kermit. They prepare to go deeper into the cave.


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