Falcon: An animal companion for BX From the steppefolk of the east to the noblefolk of the far western isles the art of falconry has spread across the entire continent. Falcon AC: 2 [17], HD: 1+1, THAC0: 18[+1], Att 1 x Claw (1d4), MV: 70’ flying, SV: Poison/Deathray 12 Wands/Beams 13 Petrification/Paralysis 14 Breath/Explosives 13 Magic 16, ML: 8 ,AL: Neutrality ,XP: 15. Special: Falcons count as HD 4 for the determination of Breath Weapons/Explosives saves. While traveling with a falcon, random encounters of overland monsters are altered as follows. Encounter Distance: 4d6 x 20 yards. Or 1d4 x 20 yards if either side is surprised. Surprise: The adventures roll 1d6. On a result of a 1 the party is surprised, on the result of a 2 the party is not surprised but does not know what they are encountering. While traveling with a falcon, the chance of finding a suitable hunt is increased to 2-in-6. Inspired by The Sweet and Lovely Mark