Special: Falcons count as HD 4 for the determination of Breath Weapons/Explosives saves.
While traveling with a falcon, random encounters of overland monsters are altered as follows.
Encounter Distance: 4d6 x 20 yards. Or 1d4 x 20 yards if either side is surprised.
Surprise: The adventures roll 1d6. On a result of a 1 the party is surprised, on the result of a 2 the party is not surprised but does not know what they are encountering.
While traveling with a falcon, the chance of finding a suitable hunt is increased to 2-in-6.
As someone who collects patches, I love the random patch generator. I decided to think up 400 more to have an even more varied set of outcomes for character creation. These compiled with the ones from the core book can make a d500 Chart for patches. 6 Fingered Hand Abstract Eyeball A Cat Ace of Spades A Cigarette Carton A Dog A Dragon Backpatch Aleph A Meaningless Set of Hanzi Anarchist Star Anatomical Heart Angel Wings Back Patch An Icecream Cone with Rainbow Rings A pair of Dentures A Skull with an Extra Eye Socket Ass A steak covering half of a bruised face. Atom Bomb Avocado Axe Splitting a Skull Baked Potato Banana Slug Bear With Cubs Betsy Ross Flag Bird Skull Birth of Venus Back Patch Black Flag Black Umbrella Bloody Knife Blue Lightning Bolt Bottle of Ketchup Brain Brick Broken Chain Broken Heart Emoji Burnt Candle Cannabis Leaf Car Engine Cartoon Bomb Cassette Tape Cheeseburger Chocolate Chip Cookie Clown Cocaine Baggy Cognitohazard Symbol Comet Cracked Egg Crescent...
I have recently started work on a bronze age lost world style setting called the Bay of Birini. It's a hex crawl over a 50 x 50 mile area. It uses a bunch of shit from other people because it's a home game thing so I am not gonna post the hexes because a chunk of them are written by other people. Instead here is the plain map and the hex fill procedures that used for the making of it! Roll 1d24 1-2 Obvious Feature 3 Hidden Feature 4 Obvious and Hidden Feature 1d4 Settlement Monster Lair Weird Dungeon Settlement Roll 2d6 and multiply the results 1 Hermit 2 Thorp 3 Village 4 Village 5 Fort 6 Fort 8 Town 9 Bandit Holding 10 Town 12 Town 15 New Imperial Outpost 16 ...
This was written months ago in a single day it is unfinished and messy and needed to be revised but it was such a release of emotion that I left me satisfied emotionally but not intellectually. I haven't worked on it in a long while so have fun reading this unfinished script. Introduction It is early May 2022, the State of Texas has passed a law classifying parents who let their transgender children transition as child abusers, and requiring the forceful outing of all transgender children to their parents. Soon a game bundle to raise money for transgender advocacy groups in texas is put together on itch. After supporting the bundle I looked through it to see what was included and saw wanderhome. A game I had been recommended in the past but have never picked up. Wanderhome is a game published by Possum Creek Games in April of 2021. It was written by Jay Dragon, illustrated by Letty Wilson, and Sylvia Bi, and layout out by Ruby Lavin. Editing was done by Ruby Lavin, Luke Jordan, a...
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