Dinosaur Stampede


Level: 3

Range: 100’

Duration: Varies

Casting time: 1 round

Save: Reflex

General: The caster summons forth the spirits of long dead dinosaurs to trample their enemies. Successful saves merely half the damage suffered while being trampled by the spirits. The spirits charge forth in a straight line, unaffected by gravity. The caster may only cast this spell if they are in possession of a dinosaur fossil.

Manifestation: Roll 1d7: (1) triceratops; (2) brontosaurus; (3) spinosaurus; (4) pachycephalosaurus; (5) tyrannosaurus rex; (6) ankylosaurus; (7) stegosaurus.

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) The caster becomes a nexus point between the prime material plane and the afterlife of beasts, they suffer a -2 penalty to sounds related stealth skill checks as ghostly animals noises follow wherever they go; (2) The caster’s skin hardens and fills with osteoderms, granting a +1 AC bonus and a -1 check penalty to non spellcasting actions; (3) the caster reverts to a more basal apel-ike form; (4) the caster’s shadow morphs and they cast a dinosaur’s shadow instead of their own; (5) minor; (6-7) major; (8) greater.

Misfire: Roll 1d4: (1) the caster accidentally summons a skeletal utahraptor that attacks everything in sight; (2) a time bubble surrounds the caster for 1d4 x 2 rounds, both them and anything within 10’ of them moves at half speed and has their amount of action die halved; (3) the caster is possessed by a dinosaur ghost for 1d6 rounds, and takes actions in line with the dinosaur that possessed them; (4) the caster traps themselves inside a massive eggshell, the shell has an AC 0 and 8 Hp.

Skeletal Utahraptor: Init +4; Atk Bite +7 Melee (1d8), Claw +10 Melee (1d4 damage + 25% chance of knocking victim prone); Crit U / d10; AC 15; HD 5d6; MV 55’; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, May make a free bite attack against prone targets; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0; AL N

1 Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-3) corruption; (4) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (5+) misfire.

2-11 Lost. Failure

12-15 Failure, but spell is not lost.

16-17 The caster summons a 10' wide line of ghostly dinosaurs stampede forward for a round, dealing 2d6 damage to anything in their path. 

18-21 The caster summons a 10’ wide line of ghostly dinosaurs charge forward for CL rounds, dealing 3d6 damage to anything in their path.

22-23 The caster can summon two lines of stampeding dinosaurs 10’ wide and 100’ long, lasting for CL rounds and dealing 3d8 damage to anything caught in their path.

24-26 The caster summons a 20’ wide 125’ long line of ghostly dinosaurs, lasting for CL +2 rounds. The line can make up to a 45 degree turn over the  course of 35’. Anything caught in the path suffers 4d10 damage.

27-31 As above but the caster can summon 2 stampeding lines.

32-33 The caster can summon a 50’ wide 150’ wide line of stampeding dinosaurs, the line can make a 45 degree turn over the course of 10’. The stampede lasts CL minutes. Anyone caught in the path suffers 4d14 damage.

34-35 As above but the stampede pushes back anything caught within back 15’ per round.

36+ The caster can summon forth a 50’ wide 200’ long or five 10’ wide 200’ long lines of stampeding ghostly dinosaurs. These stampedes can follow any path the caster desires, lasting as long as the caster wishes, up to 1 turn. Anyone caught in the path of the stampede suffers 3d24 damage and is pushed back in the direction of the charge 30’ per round.


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