The Assassination of Radcliff Fourfingers by the Interdimensional Demon Fueled Space Ship Warp Core The Devil of Moonsil

 Licking their wounds the party heads back to where the dwarves were. Dungifier was able to convince them to join forces on their way out by mentioning them saving the dungeon from demonic invasion.

The party wandered about in the mine aimlessly for some time until eventually they met up with two wandering humans. A bald man with a mustache and a blond young woman. They introduce themselves as Jolly and Sabra Naben, a father daughter blacksmithing and mining duo who the dwarves recognize from past business dealings. Dungifer’s second sight alerts him to something being amiss about the two but they don’t seem hostile.

The party offers to have them join up with the group but they refuse, citing their limited time in the mines thus far. Before leaving a warning is issued about all the various monsters down here, Sabra responds by pulling out an up until that point hidden knife and assuring them all that they know how to protect themselves.

The party is suspicious of them all but doesn’t want the trouble so the groups move on.

After even more wandering the group finds the stone walls slowly fade into the all too familiar brass. Soon there is an archway in the brass, an elk with an open mouth. Behind that is a white marble door.

Weary of what might be behind the door, the party gets Barko the Brash to open the door for them. What they are greeted with is a large room with a small dias in the center with a slowly rotating brass octahedron floating atop it. On the far side of the wall was a bunch of dials and levers as well as the tall ice crystal beings trapped in tubes.

The exterminator’s voice comes clearly with no echo as it bellows “Agents of Chaos prepare for your fate”

Instantly light gathers along the edges of the octahedron and rushes towards a vertex. A beam of ever shifting light fires off, instantly turning Barko into a fine red mist.

Everyone hauls ass and starts running.

Soon Radcliff decides to take a stand, throwing a flask of oil at the thing in hopes Bobos would be able to ignite it with her magics. It fires off a beam killing him dead.

Bobos realizing there is not much to be done throws her lantern at the thing, it shatters into a flaming inferno, the brass slowly buckles.

Dungifer tries one final time to call upon his Goddess but she has no sympathy for him at this point, letting him survive by his wits alone at this point.

Another beam begins to charge from the octahedron but the fire has warped it’s targeting systems, the shifting beam hardly misses the head of Bobos.

In desperation she drains her already weakened life force once more, letting forth a stream of elemental wytchfire, the air fills with darks of crackling green yellow energy for a split second before they all rush into the geometric foe. A horrible cracking and grinding and crushing is heard before it falls to the ground.

The party rushed over to Radcliff, hopeful he might have somehow survived. Dungifer takes his bag of nightsoil and begins his funerary rights.


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